It’s Meow or Never

We love cats, our little friends melt our hearts and make the world a better place. They all have different personalities and make us laugh with every odd move they do. Humans are drawned to cats because of their never-ending energies, beautiful big eyes and strong characters. No one can deny, even naughtiness seems cute on them! Let’s get to know these furry friends better.

animal-catCats were domesticated by the Ancient Egyptians in 2200-3000 BC. The Egyptians believed that cats were divine beings and respected them. It was thought that they protected houses, expelled evil spirits and prevented diseases. If you killed a cat for any reason, punishment was death. When a cat died, they mourned differently. Every household used to shave their eyebrows as a sign of deep mourning. When the eyebrows came back, the mourning was over.

Our little friends have supersonic hearing abilities. While people use 6 muscles to hear, this number is 32 in cats and can hear 5 times better than human. Cats can respond to their names and recognize you from your voice. According to a research, cats mimic the sound of a baby. They can meow to communicate with you in 220 to 520 hertz frequency until you react.

animal-catCats purrs have a proved healing powers. Research found that tendons, muscles and bones recovered faster in cat owners . Also owning a cat could reduce your risk of getting heart attack and stroke by nearly one third.

Some cats with hunter instincts can hunt animals such as birds or mice to show gratitude for their owners. Of course, it is not so nice to suddenly encounter with these gifts in front of the door! However it’s a very natural way of showing their love, even though it sounds horrible!

The researchers examined the brain cortex, which is called the “gray matter” on the outermost part of the brain and plays a key role in memory, attention and thought. Both human and cat brains are composed of gray and white matter. According to a report, cats tend to think in the same pattern as humans and, like us, have a long- and short-term memory. These results show we have more in common with cats than we may realize..


Check out DOGO Cat Printed Designs to show some love!


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