Weirdest Superstitions

Superstitions are irrational beliefs that affect our future. We don’t live on them, but we all have believed these unreal thoughts at some point in our lives (mostly in our childhood). If a black cat crosses your path, boom! You are cursed! Sometimes you can’t help it, it’s your brain that becomes conditioned to the idea.
Some of the beliefs are funny, but some of them are so spooky, they influence daily choices we make. These beliefs and rituals date back to centuries ago. We collected many superstitious beliefs from different cultures to brighten up your day.

Walking Under a Ladder
Most people don’t want to walk under a ladder because it’s just unsafe. It’s often approached as a bad luck but not because of something will fall on you! The shape of an open ladder is a triangle, which signifies life in some mythologies. It is believed that you may tempt the spirits if you walk under it, also the evil ones! They don’t like to be disturbed…

Rabbit Rabbit Tradition
British and American people believe that if you say “Rabbit Rabbit” on the first day of the month it will bring success and prosperity for the rest of the month. Meanwhile, the Aztecs believed in rabbit gods who held wild parties and are said to be the gods of drunkenness!
Itchy Palmssuperstitions-palms
In Turkey people believe, if someone has a itchy palm he or she will make money. However the main point is; it has to be the right palm. If it is the left palm itching, it means money will go away. Bad news!
Stepping on a Dog Poop
No one likes to step on a dog poop but what if I say this isn’t necessarily a bad thing?! In France stepping on a dog poop with a left foot is considered as a good luck. Also bird poop brings good luck too! If you, your car or your property is defecated by a bird, don’t get so mad, it’s the sign of abundance.
Using a Fan in a Closed Roomsuperstitions-fan
Fan death is well-known superstition in South Korea. It’s a countrywide fear, even in the warning signs it writes “Do not use a fan in an enclosed room!” They say a deadly fate await those who sleep in a room where electric fans are on. Even though there is no scientific evidence, you better not use a fan while sleeping it’s bad for your health.

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